Welcome to Rangitawa Publishing

Rangitawa Publishing is a small publishing company based near Feilding in the North Island of New Zealand. My purpose is to help and encourage writers to improve, publish and market their work. I recognise the limited opportunities available to authors in New Zealand but believe there are many ways to overcome this that can lead to success. The craft of writing can be hard work, lonely and frustrating but with professional help and guidance most authors can produce work that is worth all the effort and immensely readable.

"If you write about the things and the people you know best, you discover your roots.
Even if they are new roots, fresh roots... they are better than... no roots."

Isaac Bashevis Singer


The Independent Woman by Jill Darragh

The Iversleigh Chronicles Book 1

Available on Kindle, paper back and audio.

Historical romance set in Victorian England.

The Foreign Woman (Book 2)

The Secret Woman (Book 3)

The Adventurous Woman (Book 4)

The Wrong Woman (Book 5)


Rivals for Love by Jemma Daintree

The third book in the Aphrodite Club series. 18+

 Available as paperback and KIndle.


Adventures of Cuppy the Crab by David Fountain, illustrated by Heike Jane Zimmerman

A delightful picture book suitable for ages 0 - 8. Full colour

Available from Bruce McKenzie Book shop and Rangitawa Publishing.

A Battered Proud Badge by Robert Rattenbury

Following his first book "So You Want To Be A Cop" Robert has written a history of the New Zealand police. Factual and personal experiences make this a fascinating read.

Available on Amazon , Kindle and on order from any good bookshop.

Tales of a Vigneron  - Barry Johns

The true story of a Christchurch lawyer's cycling trip through the wine regions of France and his subsequent return to New Zealand where he and his wife set up the Fiddler's Green vineyard. A story of courage and adversity overcome.

Beautiful colour photos included. See the review page.

Available on Amazon and Kindle



Life Sentences - Shared short stories  from

Peter Beatson, Tony Chapelle, David Fountain

Three New Zealand authors have put their different interpretations on 38 first sentences to creat 114 short stories ranging from fantasy to mystery and mythology.

Available from Amazon, Kindle and all good book shops on order. 


From Dog Collar to Dog Collar - Bruce Howat

New Zealander Bruce Howat spent many years as a Police Dog Handler until a tragic event ended this career. His recovery from a stabbing event and the effect it had on his life is told with stunning honesty and courage. Bruce fought back to health and wellbeing by sheer tenacity to complete a theological degree and become a Church Minister. In this new capacity he used all the life skills learned as a police officer and his own mental strength in overcoming loss and enduring adversity.



Have You Forgotten Yet? - A.N.Arthur

The third in the Memento Trilogy.

Follow the families of Samuel and Jimmy as they face the challenges of living with men damaged and broken by the Great War.

Available on KIndle and Amazon

Crimechurch - Michael Botur

A raw and realistic novel based on gang life in Christchurch.

Reviewed by Alan Duff. "Michael Botur's writing is a breath of fresh air..."

See the review page.



Author Tony Chapelle has received a special mention for his novel 'Kindred' in the New Zealand Heritage Writing Awards.

Author Vaughan Rapatahana (Novel) is one of the participating poets in the International Poetry Festival at the Southbank Centre in London in October. "Poems from the Edge of Extinction"

He will also be doing live readings and discussion at "Incendiary Art the Power of Disruptive Poetry 2019" also at the Southbank Centre. www.southbankcentre.co.uk



Thank you to everyone who attended the book launch. It was very successful.



Kindred - Tony Chapelle  $35

The fourth novel in the Gilbard/ Ashcott series.

Available as paperback or on Kindle

Read what Maurice Gee has to say about this book on our Review Page. "a bloody good read!"

Fairies of Kawakawa - Tiffany Wagstaff   $25

A delightful children's fairy story set in New Zealand,



Sweet Bitter Justice - Carole St Aubyns $30

The third book in the Sweet Bitter series of historical romances set in New Zealand.

Available on Kindle and paperback and on order from any book store.




 So You Want To Be A Cop - Robert Rattenbury $38

A memoir of 27 years served in the New Zealand Police. Robert served on the Armed Offenders Squad, the Springbok Tour and Royal tour duty. He was a dog handler and was involved in murders, child abuse cases and the loss of comrades. A moving account which also celebrates success and humour. 

Available from Amazon, Kindle and on request from all good bookshops.

 Novel - Vaughan Rapatahana  -  $38

An intriguing story that moves from a violent murder in a New Zealand meat works to a series of events that have global ramifications. A fast moving narrative written by literary critic and award winning poet Vaughan Rapatahana.

Reviewed by Dr Alan Chamberlain.

Spy for Love - Jemma Daintree $25

The Aphrodite Club - Book 2 - Sequel to "Vote for Love"

When security expert Chase Ryder arrives in New Zealand in 1894 in pursuit of dangerous Russian criminal Irina Karpinsky, he is forced to ask for help from Dilys Frampton the beautiful owner of the notorious Aphrodite Club. His plans do not include falling in love but Dylis proves a worthy match both for Chase and his clever adversary.

A stand alone novella available as a paperback or Kindle.


Sweet Bitter Revenge - Carole St Aubyns $25

The sequel to Sweet Bitter Waters  (novella). Available as a paperback and on Kindle.


Whimsical Tales of Old Wanganui - Murray Crawford  $35

A collection and comment on old historical news items about Whanganui. Proceeds to Alzheimers Whanganui.

Emerging Words -Garry James Spooner  $28

The first collection from Whanganui poet Garry James Spooner.

Vote for Love - Jemma Daintree. $35 and on Kindle

New Zealand historical romance- 18+

Sweet Bitter Waters - Carole St Aubyns $35 and on Kindle

New Zealand historical romance at its best. Romance, murder, kidnapping and mystery all combine to make an enthralling story. See the review page. ***** Amazon review  16+

Between Two Words - A.N.Arthur $38

The sequel to 'Orphanage Boys'. Follow Sam and Jimmy as they face the trials of World War 1.


The Walled Garden - Scott Eastham $38

A collection of prose, poetry and photography by the late Dr Scott Eastham of Massey University celebrating Mount Lees Reserve near Feilding. 


The Room - Ann Darcy $25

New Zealand science fiction for 10 - 14 years. See the Review page for details ***** Amazon review

Reflections  - $28

A wonderful collection of modern New Zealand poetry by established author and poet Dorothy Alexander

Radio interview

Listen to Jill Darragh interviewed about Rangitawa Publishing


 Episode 5  RSA/Rangitawa Publishing


 The Alfred & Isabel Reed Fund offers a grant for books about the Otago region. For details https://otagosettlers.org.nz/publications



All our books are available on Amazon Books, from Rangitawa Publishing (plus postage) or on request from good book shops.

A Distant Belonging - Tony Chapelle  $38

Follow the further history of the Gilbard and Ashcott families.

Taming the MG Dragon - Mereti Taipana-Howe $25

A personal story of one woman's courageous fight through the auto-immune disease Myasthenia Gravis.

Voices - Suraya Dewing $35

A new collection of short stories by the author of Bend with the Wind.

Granny Dalton & the Case of the Disappearing Cornerstone - Murray Crawford. $28

The second in the series about Wanganui identity Granny Dalton. Along with Lizzie Leathem she uncovers a history of murder and mystery.

A Book of Kiwi Limericks  $18

A collection of limericks about Kiwi icons by Peter Low.

Out of My Mind $35

A short story collection by Nelson author Rose Conroy.

Awahuri Forest-Kitchener Park $15

Information and colour photos to raise funds to preserve this wonderful ancient forest near Feilding, New Zealand.

 Orphanage Boys  By A.N.Arthur  $38

This best selling New Zealand historical novel is based on the abuse and privations suffered by two young brothers left at the Stoke Orphanage in Nelson while their father seeks work on the West Coast. Losing touch with each other, they are re-united at the Great Strike of 1913.


Everyone has a Story $35

A collection of stories written in serial form by New Zealand and international authors who are members of the online writing platform The Story Mint. Read the review on the Review Page

Real World Proven Business Practices by

Peter Alexander  $37.95

A practical guide to setting up a new business or improving an existing one. Suitable for tertiary students and experienced business owners.


The Rangitawa Collection 2016 

A collection of the best 35 stories entered into our competition $30

Northern Rock Light

A new collection of award winning short stories from Justin Eade. Many of these have been read on Radio New Zealand. Justin writes with humour and pathos in these beautifully written narratives. $28.

 The Youngest Son

A companion novel to Merely a Girl. Tony Chappelle's latest novel continues with the story of Tom Gerold who struggles with his status as the youngest son in Victorian times. $35


 Personality Disorder by Megan Florence

The winner of the Rangitawa Young Adult novel competition 2016. This novella is now available on Amazon or here $28. Read the *****Amazon UK review on our review page

Three Archaeologists & a Cat the new young adult novel by Barry Faville is now published $28 Barry is a former winner of the New Zealand Children's Book of the Year and his books have been translated into German, Spanish and Dutch.

Granny Dalton and the Firebug a new young adult novel from Murray Crawford $28

 "Rena" - a new novel by Laura Nicholas-Grieve $35

A moving story of a young Maori girl struggling to cope with her traditional tribal upbringing versus her love for a European settler.

 Merely a Girl - a new novel by Tony Chapelle $35

A young Victorian woman of mixed ancestry copes with the conservative attitudes of her local community.

Read the comments about this book from Maurice Gee on the Review Page



Scribes of a Heart Led Man by Jason Batt is now available $30. Levin poet Jason Batt has put together a collection of deeply emotional work that will appeal to the serious lover of poetry.



Rooster McGurk - Unsung Colonial Hero (& Reluctant Virgin) By Murray Crawford. $35

Our latest publication is a fast moving novel about the capture of a British soldier by Hau Hau leader Titokowaru during the Taranaki land wars. Rooster, who has an unearned reputation as a ladies' man finds himself enslaved with Kimble Bent and forced to fight against his fellow countrymen. A well researched narrative that treats the cruelty and brutality wreaked by both sides with an even hand.  This novel is reviewed on our Book Review Page.


 "Bend With The Wind" by Suraya Dewing. Highly praised by Witi Ihimaera. $35

This book has now been reviewed on Flaxflowers.




"Original Sin and other stories" by award winning author Tony Chapelle is now available. Read the comments on this book by New Zealand author Maurice Gee on the Review page. $28



 The Secret Club

A children's book designed as a teacher and parent aid to combat bullying. Available in our e-store.


Halcombe Heroes World War One

For those interested in Manawatu history this book lists all the soldiers from the village of Halcombe who fought in World War One and whose names are listed on the Halcombe War Memorial and the Halcombe School entrance. 

 "The Case of the Distant Relative" has won the IPR License Agents Pick of the Month in the UK. David Haviland of the Andrew Lownie Literary Agency, London, gave the following quote,"This is an intriguing detective mystery, with an excellent sense of the historical period and context, engaging with powerful themes regarding women's emancipation and domestic abuse."